"You're a Green One, Monsieur Grounch" is sung primarily by Klaus to the tune of "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" in "The Grounch", as Roger, angered by Elizabeth Hadley's betrayal, vows to destroy sex for everyone.
- You're a green one, Monsieur Grounch
- You have no sex appeal
- You look like a furry booger
- You're charming as a dead seal
- Monsieur Grounch
- You smell like three-day-old gym shorts
- Worn by an incontinent
- Shaquille O'Neal
- You're an original character, Monsieur Grounch
- That's an undeniable fact
- But if this does remind you of some other creature
- Don't overreact
- The Supreme Court ruled that a parody may claim fair use
- Under Section 107
- Of the Copyright Act
- Voice 1: Where's my Pee-Pee-Pump-O-Max?!
- Suze: And I'm looking for my Hoo-Hoo-Wax!
- Avery Bullock: I can't possibly get down without my Rooty-Tooty-Booty-Snacks!
- Tuttle: Hey! Where's my Dingle-Dongle?
- Esther Lonstein: And I can't have sex without my Vibra-Shlongle!
- Dr. Kalgary: Has anyone seen my Anal-Tongle?!
- Klaus: You're a piece of shit, Monsieur Grounch
- You stink like a Muppet's fart
- You're a real bad apple
- You're worse than Paul Blart the mall cop
- You're the worst thing to happen
- To the local community
- Since Walmart!