American Dad Wikia
Monsieur Grounch

"You're a Green One, Monsieur Grounch" is sung primarily by Klaus to the tune of "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" in "The Grounch", as Roger, angered by Elizabeth Hadley's betrayal, vows to destroy sex for everyone.


You're a green one, Monsieur Grounch
You have no sex appeal
You look like a furry booger
You're charming as a dead seal
Monsieur Grounch
You smell like three-day-old gym shorts
Worn by an incontinent
Shaquille O'Neal
You're an original character, Monsieur Grounch
That's an undeniable fact
But if this does remind you of some other creature
Don't overreact
The Supreme Court ruled that a parody may claim fair use
Under Section 107
Of the Copyright Act
Voice 1: Where's my Pee-Pee-Pump-O-Max?!
Suze: And I'm looking for my Hoo-Hoo-Wax!
Avery Bullock: I can't possibly get down without my Rooty-Tooty-Booty-Snacks!
Tuttle: Hey! Where's my Dingle-Dongle?
Esther Lonstein: And I can't have sex without my Vibra-Shlongle!
Dr. Kalgary: Has anyone seen my Anal-Tongle?!
Klaus: You're a piece of shit, Monsieur Grounch
You stink like a Muppet's fart
You're a real bad apple
You're worse than Paul Blart the mall cop
You're the worst thing to happen
To the local community
Since Walmart!