American Dad Wikia
Barry: Well, at least we got to LARP long enough for Cat Girl and Glove Nose to permanently confuse what I consider sexual.

Francine: Sorry Steve, guess I was to busy scoring mad pole.

Steve: A cake gets messed up. A Quiznos bathroom gets messed up. You destroyed a galaxy mother.

Stan: [Detailing the Swedish fish in the tank] Their usual habitat is a bag at 7-Eleven.

Roger: Floor spaghetti.
Francine: Floor spaghetti?
[Roger extremely quickly prepares a plate of spaghetti, places it on the kitchen table, and pushes it off the table onto the floor, breaking the plate]
Roger: Floor spaghetti.

Francine: Oh, I get it! "LARP" stands for something.

Snot: [Regarding "Star Wars"] Like hello, know your audience. More farming please.

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