American Dad Wikia
  • "Sirius" by The Alan Parsons Project plays as Stan goes over his physical results.
  • Stan tries to recall details about the devil while singing "Devil with the Moon Mist" to the melody of "Devil with a Blue Dress On". Moon Mist is a flavor of Faygo brand soda.[1]
  • The character design for the green demons with red eyes originated in "Rapture's Delight".
  • In the video store during Stan's near-death experiences, the DVD covers include images of Ronald Reagan, Snot and Jack and Betty Smith.
  • Klaus' past is retconned from being a skier in the 1986 Winter Olympics to being a college student post-1994 when the Foo Fighters were formed.
  • According to Roger, he has never seen Mr Belvedere, yet in the episode "The American Dad After School Special", he says he is part of a Mr Belvedere chat group in which he posts episode summaries.

Previous Episode's Notes /// The Life and Times of Stan Smith's Notes \\\ Next Episode's Notes
