American Dad Wikia

Hmmm... Now I do not get it: I asked if the note should be moved, I got the clearance and I moved it - and was still rejected when doing as I was told??? If there was a comment/summary beside I could learn, now I just stumbling in the dark...Di Castello (talk) 05:56, March 20, 2020 (UTC)

And suddenly it was right!?! Is there a Corona-delay to Sweden..? Anyway, please do not consider any talk fom me - today...Di Castello (talk) 07:12, March 20, 2020 (UTC)

You had asked for it over 2 weeks ago & I expected it to have been done already. I thought 'someone,' not realizing it was you, was reversing the change agreed on. --Buckimion (talk) 11:48, March 20, 2020 (UTC)
