Steven Quincy Urkel, generally known as Steve Urkel or just simply Urkel, is a fictional character on the ABC/CBS comedy sitcom Family Matters, portrayed by Jaleel White. Originally slated to have been a one-time guest on the show, he soon became its most popular character.
Steve was the epitome of a geek/nerd, with large, thick eyeglasses, "high-water" or "flooding" pants held up by suspenders, multi-colored cardigan sweaters, and a high-pitched voice.
Scott Grimes reported that the inspiration for Steve's voice is a mixture of SpongeBob SquarePants and Steve Urkel. [1]
Hayley's date Mamood wears a Steve Urkel shirt in their date to Burger King in "Stan of Arabia: Part 1".
Stan finds a field of Urkels in various forms, grazing in Roger's subconscious in "Brains, Brains and Automobiles".
Klaus calls Steve "Stefan Urkel", a reference to Steve Urkel, in "Da Flippity Flop".
Hayley reveals that her first sex dream was about Urkel in "The Long Bomb".