- This episode marks the 350th episode of the series by production order, but is the 352nd episode by broadcast order.
- Stan uses tools borrowed from Dick and Tuttle.
- Francine says that Gallagher is dead, having died on November 11, 2022, but the others ignore this.
- Jeff skips on an emergency appendectomy to see Gallagher.
- Klaus changes the name of his Nissan Hardbody to 'The Second Base Mobile'.
- Steve worries that Francine's antics will turn his project into an episode of I love Lucy.
- A sign says that Long Island is "600 bumpy miles" away, but Long Island is only about 300 miles from Langley, Virginia.
- Francine doesn't actually wash the dirty laundry, she just puts it back in everyone's drawers.
- Klaus plans on running for city comptroller.
- Mertz creates basketball shoes filled with helium to help the wearer jump higher.
- Blanch competes in the Young Entrepreneurs contest with a regular clarinet.
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