Saving Face
In an attempt to maintain his "prime," Stan explores some cosmetic solutions that could not go worse.
Season: 18 Episode: 09
Total Episode Count: 353
Prod. no.: HAJN11
First Aired: May 29, 2023
Featuring: Stan
Also Appearing: Francine, Hayley, Steve, Roger, Klaus, Jeff, Trish and Suze, Tom, Officer Black, Officer Caruso, Al Tuttle, Snot, Barry, Toshi, Nathan, Akiko Yoshida, Jackie, Dr. Adrian Revànche
Director: Jennifer Graves
Writers: Charles Suozzi
Storyboarders: Ian Dibble, Chris Toms
Roger's Disguise: Rudolpho Mayerling from "A Song of Knives and Fire"
Stan celebrates having reached what a magazine considers his peak, although Klaus points out that he is now exposed to be knocked off by the next peak man. At the grocery store, he's reminded again that it's all downhill from here as a store clerk flirts with Francine. Vowing to keep his peak forever, he keeps running into fliers and advertisements for a Dr. Revànche that suggest he can help Stan maintain his peak. But when he goes to see the doctor, he discovers that he's a villain who transplants Stan's face to his own to take over his entire life while leaving Stan unrecognizable. The doctor tries to integrate himself with the family, but is confronted by Stan. However, the doctor has had the house staked out just in case Stan was to show up and the latter is arrested.
Stan tries to prove his story, but finds the doctor has removed all traces of himself and his practice. Pulling the doctor aside to find out why he's doing this, he reveals that Stan outmaneuvered him for the home that they live in, so after discovering Stan's vanity, hatched an elaborate plot to swap places with him. When Stan spots a security camera in the grocery store parking lot, the latter realizes he just confessed everything, so he tries to have Stan arrested but he manages to outrun the cops. By showing the video to Tuttle, Stan manages to prove his story and enlists his help. With the police watching the house for the real Stan, he sends Tuttle with the video to show the family, but when he gets cold feet, they draw the attention of the cops who ignore them. The doctor kidnaps the family and Stan and Tuttle discover that he intends to alter their faces like the former. Piecing together clues from his kidnapping, Stan figures out that the doctor has taken the family to the marina. He locates the doctor who reveals that he wants to ruin them as further revenge on Stan. Fighting with scalpels, Stan manages to cut off and remove his original face. After he tells the family that he was worried that going downhill would also mean losing them, they head to Dr. Kalgary's to have his face returned.
Meanwhile, Jeff, Klaus and Roger go to a farmer's market for free samples. But when Roger objects to a $4 apple, he ignores the free sample to negotiate, but after walking away once, he returns and pays $5 for it. But as he anticipates waiting for the perfect moment to eat it, he drops it and it falls into a small sinkhole. Vowing to get his apple back, Roger forces himself into the hole but becomes momentarily stuck until vomiting and allowing himself to slip inside, where he finds the hole is really deep. Roger tries to grab a hold of the apple through the sewers, eventually finding an orange before tossing it away.
Roger pursues the apple all the way through the marina where he bumps into the family, but as he stops to comment on Stan's face, a seal steals his apple. He gives pursuit, but after hours, he realizes that it would be easier just to buy another one.
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