American Dad Wikia

Julius is Roger's pet alligator in "Jambalaya".

Inspired by Francine's garden, which he destroys in the process, Roger decides to make jambalaya from a recipe that he learned in Louisiana. He finds a frozen alligator in the shrimp, which he thaws and revives, naming it Julius. He decides to go all out and turns the house into a restaurant which he names after Julius, firing Francine in the process. During a successful opening night, Roger receives a request to sell Julius, but refuses. During a dinner the following night, Julius comes up missing, sending Roger into a panic.

Meanwhile, Francine, who is irritated after being fired, and wonders what Roger would do if something ever happened to Julius. When Roger shows up following Julius disappearance, Francine reveals that some creepy guy took Julius off her hands before she could throw him in Greg's pool. However, the guy works for the animal wallet factory. Francine and Roger drive to the factory, but are knocked out when they fail to have a plan of action. It turns out that the wallet factory is a front for a cocaine operation. Just as Roger is being carved up to be turned into a wallet, Klaus, Steve, and John Cena arrive, the pair having successfully met with him to pitch a script. Just as in their story, John successfully guns down all the bad guys. John reveals that he got involved because he had a pet alligator as well that he lost while scouting a shrimp factory. Taking a good look at Julius, he realizes that his lost friend.

With things back to normal, Francine plants a new garden as it's revealed that John and Julius have stolen Steve and Klaus' story idea for a film.
