Jake, Jessica, Donald, an unnamed daughter and their pet goldfish Kashi are the Smith's new neighbors in "Don't You Be My Neighbor".
Despite Francine's excitement at new neighbors, Stan, Hayley, Steve, Klaus, Greg and Tuttle plan on getting rid of them, as they had all of the previous neighbors, although Stan has some reservations, having gotten along with Jake. They succeed in frightening them out of the neighborhood, but when Francine finds out bout their plot, demands they they get them back.
However, finding out that Jessica not only doesn't drink, but criticizes their behavior and even cooks her eggs differently causes Francine to reconsider and join in a new plot to get rid of them. But when they accidently send their plans to the neighbor's printer while high on cocaine, their mad run into the neighbor's house causes them to run to the backyard where they plan an intervention.
Roger, finding himself in outer space while posing as a boy's kite, attracts a passing meteor and rides it into the neighbor's home. Between it's destruction and Roger's appearance, they flee in terror.