American Dad Wikia
I want a wife

I Want A Wife (Not A Partner) is Stan's fantasy number in "Stan of Arabia: Part 1" when he dreams of having his family, particularly Francine, wait on him hand and foot.


Stan: I don't want a partner I want a wife,

Someone who's happy taking care of my life.

Where's my Edith Bunker, Laura Petry, Wilma Flintstone,

Edith: I would never let Archie go to a party alone.

Stan: I want to go back, to a simpler time,

When men were men and women had no say.

Attend to love, honor and obey.

I want to be greeted with a massage and a martini,

The way master was by his Genie.

I don't buy this independence and doing your own thing,

I want a woman, to make me feel like a king.

This ship is sinking and I'm swimming for my life.

I don't want a partner. Damn it! I want a wife.
