American Dad Wikia


Gernot & Strudel
The family recreates a television show from Klaus' childhood.

Season: 17 Episode: 20
Total Episode Count: 342
Prod. no.: GAJN21
First Aired: December 5, 2022

Featuring: Klaus
Also Appearing: Roger, Francine, Stan, Steve, Hayley, Jeff, Rogu, Dr. Weitzman, Del Monaco, Big Ed, Courtney, Vance, The Cast of Gernot & Strudel
Musical Numbers: Gernot & Strudel Theme

Director: Shawn Murray
Assistant Director: Jee Hyun Yoo
Writers: Zack Rosenblatt
Storyboarders: Crystal Perea, Ryan Rosendal

Roger's Disguise: Flower from "Family Time"

Plot: When Klaus refuses to allow others to have a turn at the piñata or share his birthday cake, Stan and Francine wonder if he ever learned to share. Over dinner, they decide they need to find the sharing episode from his favorite childhood show. However, they find that episode about sharing has been blocked completely so they decide to perform it themselves. Instead of just the main lesson, Klaus forces them to perform the entire show, but he does get the message of sharing. When the family has no intention of continuing the show, Klaus cackles maniacally and vows the show must go on.

Gernot and Strudel

When the family awakens the next morning, they find out they've been turned into real life puppets thanks to Dr. Weitzman helping Klaus. He forces them to continue performing the show whenever he wants. When they find themselves unable to escape from the house, Hayley figures that they must have triggered some unresolved trauma in performing their episode. Klaus confirms her suspicions and reveals that he appeared in the sharing episode as a boy. Thanks to a crush that he had on one of the characters, he accidentally poked her with his tiny penis which resulted in her falling off the stage and becoming electrocuted, as well as all of the characters when they came to her aid. As a result, the episode was banned and the puppeteers replaced, but Klaus notes it was never the same again. Free of his trauma, Klaus releases the family but have to get to Dr. Weitzman before he goes away for the summer. Getting help from his friends after he irritated them at his birthday party, they employ the group's ATVs to get the family to get them restored in time, although Klaus has himself turned into an orange version of Strudel.


Meanwhile, as Roger prepares for a piano recital, he employs Steve to keep him off the drugs. He finds he has his work cut out for him, as Roger will go to great lengths to get drugs from his dealer. However, despite these attempts, Roger keeps finding his drug substituted with carrots. When Steve delivers a sober Roger to his recital, he finds himself sitting next to Roger's dealer, who has delivered Roger a piano made entirely out of drugs which he freely indulges in to the audience's delight, who turn out to all be the dealer's customers.

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