American Dad Wikia

American Dad! is a satirical American animated television series produced by Underdog Productions and Fuzzy Door Productions for 20th Century Fox. It was created, in part, by Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy. The pilot episode aired in the United States on Fox on February 6, 2005, thirty minutes after the end of Super Bowl XXXIX; the regular series began May 1, 2005, after the season premiere of Family Guy. American Dad! follows the events of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent Stan Smith and his family.


The show centers on the Smith family and the various obstacles Stan, a CIA employee, encounters with his immediate family and in his efforts to ensure the safety of his country. The Smith family lives in the fictional U.S. community of "Langley Falls, Virginia" in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The town name is a composite of Langley, Virginia and Great Falls, Virginia, both of which are located in Fairfax County. Langley is the real-life location of CIA headquarters.

Opening sequence

American Dad! features a recurring gag that is changed for every episode. Visit the collection of Newspaper Headlines and Roger's Disguises

Cast (voices)


Show information

  • Duration: Approximately 21-minute episodes