Francis Mallmann (born January 14, 1956) is a super chef that Francine learns about in "Eight Fires". In real life, he is the host of Chef's Table on Netflix.[1]
When Francine finds the rest of the family snacking after bedtime because they don't like her food, she tries taking a cooking class to no avail. While watching Morning Mimosa Nights, she hears about Francis who instructs people in his book Seven Fires on how to cook in the rough from Patagonia. Roger revels that he has a similar persona. Together, they fly to Patagonia, where Roger's second persona takes over, a ripoff of Francis who wrote his own book, Eight Fires.
Francine has a rough time in Roger's cooking class, even cheating in order to cook. But when he is attacked by a bear brought in by the smell of her food, his remaining students all flee in the nearest boat. Francine is forced to drag him to another boat, where Francis steals it as payback for ripping him off. With Roger's leg on the verge of turning gangrenous, he forces Francine to cut it off and cook it, as there is no recipe for it. It turns out wonderfully, but also draws a bunch of bears. Francine is forced to slice up more of Roger to feed everyone, including Francis who returned.
Francis is voiced by Steve Talley.