American Dad Wikia
Stan: This midnight fishing is great.
Avery: Sounds to me like someone doesn't want to go home.
Stan: Yeah, I'm laying low. Today's the anniversary of a huge fight me and Francine got into last year.
Jackson: Yeah? What about?
Stan: Oh, I forgot our anniversary. I'm never gonna do that again!
Jackson: I...
[Avery cuts him off. Stan takes a drink of his beer and sighs. He then takes another drink...but then it hits him and he screams]
Avery: There it is!

Francine: You crazy bitch! I love you! You got me.

Francine: Great Grizzly Adams! Who fired the gardener?

Hayley: Dad, I've never seen this side of you. It's so sweet!
Stan: Yeah, well if you tell anyone I'll kill you. [both laugh] I'm serious, I will kill you. I will reach into your chest, pull out your beating heart and eat it. EVERY LAST BIT! Well, sweet dreams, angel.

Francine: [wakes up] Don't kick me out! The bouncer said I could, like, totally meet Def Leppard!
Stan: Def Leppard?
Technician: Francine? What year is it?
Francine: Duh, 1985. Hey, anybody got some gum? I wanna get the taste of roadie outta my mouth.

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