American Dad Wikia

Duncan and Candace are a couple of museumgoers in "Portrait of Francine's Genitals". They are observed by Stan looking at the portrait of Francine's vagina and Candace refuses Duncan's advances. Stan asks Duncan if it is really good art. While Duncan confirms this, his description angers Stan who considers the response dirty.

After Stan steals the painting, but reconsiders and returns it, he leads a tour of it where it is admired. Candace suggests that perhaps she and Duncan could be more than friends, but he vomits in response. He apologizes, but she confesses to being a "barf babe" and is not turned off.

The pair can also be seen court side at the Harlem Globetrotters basketball game in "Klaustastrophe.TV".

Candace can be seen walking solo though New York City in "Stompe le Monde" and during "Everyone is Happy in Utopia" in "300". while both can be seen at the farmer's market in "One Fish, Two Fish".
