American Dad Wikia
American Dad Wikia

Commodore Francis Stoat is the leader of The Order of the Hand and Nest, a secret society of rare egg thieves in "Shell Game".

When Steve and Roger observe him steal an egg while bird watching, they follow him and discover the Order. Groff Community College egg specialist Elizabeth Hadley tells them about the group and Roger decides to join them, leaving Steve to join a counter group to stop them.

To keep Steve and his group from foiling their effort to collect an extremely rare eagle egg, they kidnap him and take him to Skoal Island. There, Stoat plans on killing Steve, leaving Roger to steal the egg for himself. He comes to his senses in time to ditch the egg as the society rushes to grab it, falling over a cliff in the process. After Roger frees Steve, he momentarily falls for the lure of the egg as well and tries to grab it from the cliff edge where it is located. Roger tries to help but their efforts send it over the side where the mother eagle rescues it, as Roger and Steve sail off the island past the broken and drowned bodies of the society.

Commodore Stoat is voiced by Frank Langella.
