American Dad Wikia

B'thazalom, officially named B'thazalom the Nameless One by Memphis Stormfront, is a monstrous beast that destroyed the world in "Echoes".

B'thazalom had corrupted former weatherman Dickey Dobbins who had died in "Anchorfran", and when Memphis took his place B'thazalom gave him the ability to see into the future. However, Memphis had abandoned the deity in a sphere which Steve re-discovers. He makes Steve see horrible visions and Stormfront convinces Steve that B'thazalom is making him see these things, and when Steve destroyed the Sphere, Memphis revealed that it was the only thing keeping the Nameless One asleep, and he knew the world was going to end but he wanted special cosmic powers. However, B'thazalom killed Memphis and later killed Buckle and took all his money. He then destroyed the whole world, killing billions before it was shown that it takes place in an alternate universe.
