American Dad Wikia
Hayley: Wow, meerkats are so cute.
Jeff: Right? But did you know that they're more than just mere cats?
[Hayley chuckles]
Hayley: That's so funny, babe.
Jeff: [Gasps] You called me "babe."
Hayley: Isn't that your name?
Jeff: No, it's Jeff, but I like it when you call me babe, babe.
Hayley: I like it when you "babe" me. [A bit of pizza sauce gets on Hayley's shirt] Oh shoot.
Jeff: Aw, don't worry. I have a trick for getting rid of stains.

Stan: Boom. I'm so sorry. That was pure instinct. I'm just naturally a mad defender.
Billy: There are parts of me that are years old. But I'm young where it counts. Mm. These are baby caterpillars.
Steve: So how you feeling, Mom?
Francine: I got this in the bag. Hey, see that strongman lady? I'm gonna tickle her.
[Francine extends her long nails towards a female weightlifter, and starts tickling her sides; this causes to laugh, until she notices her long nails and drops the barbell]
Francine: Noooo!
[Three long nail contestants laugh]
Announcer: Stop laughing. I see something hidden in the hair. A gorgeous human horn.
Francine: The prenatals. They made me grow a cutaneous horn. Look it up. It's a real thing.
Announcer: Madam, you're going straight in our book.

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