American Dad Wikia
  • 'Extra scratch' is an anachronistic colloquialism for having extra money.
  • Francine proposes going to an ice cream store with Hayley named "Hot Scoomps", reusing the title of a previous episode.
  • Sub Hub is closed because it is discovered that their horse meat is really racoon meat.
  • Jeff gets extra money from Hayley for the Scholastic Book Fair at the middle school, but she forbids him to get Goosebumps because it gives him nightmares.
  • Stan brags about his finances before they go belly up.
    • Stan lost his money investing in pornographic pogs because he believed that the kids of the 90s would want adult content.
Scratch Bed
  • Because of Stan's worry that he may lose the house, he does not get out of bed to do the theme song.
  • A similar interrupted opening took place in "Exquisite Corpses".
  • Francine refers to Hayley's beeper as a "Bleeper".
  • Klaus mentions Francine watching chimpanzees on the news that had their limbs blown off by land mines, foreshadowing BoBo's appearance later on in the episode.
  • Klaus is skeptical of Francine's suggestion that Hayley is selling drugs, considering her strictly a user.
  • Roger's persona of Giardia Capitosto's costume is made from items in the restroom at The Coffee Spot because he forgot to bring one.
    • He later forgets his persona's name.
  • Hayley fears the Groff Progressives finding out she's working for Big Pharma.
  • Buckle is a doctor at the same clinic where Hayley and Francine pitch to Dr. Moe Munney. The pharmaceutical representative that wears a skimpy outfit to pitch to Buckle is their inspiration.
  • Roger is inspired to slap Stan by William Friedkin doing the same to an actor on the set of The Exorcist.
  • Hayley and Francine's spice montage is set to Montell Jordan's "This Is How We Do It".
  • Francine donated the money because she knew that Stan was having success in his ad business.

Previous Episode's Notes /// A Little Extra Scratch's Notes \\\ Next Episode's Notes
